At Jetty Strata Management we pride ourselves on knowing our business well and that is Strata legislation and procedures. Put simply, we know and enjoy working in ‘Strata’ and Strata is what we do.
Searching for the right answers relating to Strata and Community title can be an extremely confusing and frustrating exercise, not to mention time consuming.
Why not talk to us; we are the experts in our field on the Mid North Coast and Clarence Valley with access to limitless resources in assist you with your Strata enquiry.
Whether you are a Lot owner, Strata Committee member, Real Estate Agent or property developer; we can assist you in all aspects of Strata Management.
We assist the average ‘Mr & Mrs Citizen’ in answering questions that have puzzled them about Strata living, whether we manage their property or not; we assist and advise property developers in ‘setting up’ new strata schemes; and we provide ‘face to face’ presentations/training to Real Estate Agent’s and Community Groups that want to know more about Strata.
You wouldn’t go to a doctor for advice on repairing your car, so if you have any questions relating to setting up or managing Strata – Give us a call and we will be happy to assist you.
Jetty Strata Management offers effective, personal solutions to your strata woes which starts with ‘a simple phone call to our friendly helpful team’.
We have put together some helpful information that you can access and get full advantage of now.
Don’t wait another second; call Jetty Strata Management now for an obligation free proposal for the professional management of your Strata Scheme – or just to talk ‘Strata’….